A.R.CA.D Databases
Shortly after its creation in 2006, the Foundation was pioneer in collecting data from clinical trials carried out in colorectal, pancreatic and liver cancers. The objective of these international databases is to improve the methodology for clinical trials and overall knowledge of digestive cancers.
All publications from the databases are available here.
Five biostatistics centers – located in three different continents – manage the databases:
- Mayo Clinic (United States) : colorectal
- Besançon University Hospital (France) and A.R.CA.D : pancreas
- Besançon University Hospital (France) and Paul-Brousse AP-HP Hospital (Villejuif) : LiverMetSurvey
- National Cancer Center Hospital East (Japan) : gastric (under construction)
Experts from health centers across the world, whether private or public, can get involved in the development of these databases. Please click below for more information on each database and to get in touch.